Performances at the QVB Ballroom (陳雪冰古箏和二胡獨奏,管絃樂團伴奏在皇后大廈舞廳)

Xue Bing Chen performed on numerous occasions guzheng and erhu solos with the East-West Philharmonic Orchestra at the Queen Victoria Building Ballroom.(陳雪冰古箏和二胡獨奏,管絃樂團伴奏在皇后大廈舞廳)

Xue Bing Chen performed guzheng solo with orchestra

Xue Bing Chen performing at the QVB Ballroom (陈雪冰古筝演奏在皇后大厦舞厅)

Xue Bing Chen performing at the QVB Ballroom (陈雪冰二胡演奏在皇后大厦舞厅)

Xue Bing Chen performing at the QVB Ballroom (陈雪冰二胡演奏在皇后大厦舞厅)

Xue Bing Chen performing at the QVB Ballroom (陈雪冰二胡演奏在皇后大厦舞厅)

Xue Bing Chen performing at the QVB Ballroom (陈雪冰二胡演奏在皇后大厦舞厅)


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